Generation of Computer
There are five generation in digital computing. There are various advanced features in various generations. Vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, Microprocessors are referred to various generations.
- Vacuum tubes as their main logic elements.
- Punch cards to input and output store data
- Use of Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage
- Assembly language
- Problem in maintenance and temperature
- More consume of electricity.
Example : UNIVAC, BINAC, ENIAC, IBM 650, IBM 704, MARK.
The Second Generation (1959-1963)
- Vacuum tubes are replaced by Transistors.
- Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched cards.
- High-level programming languages.
- Data transmit by using telephone line.
- FORTRAN and COBOL Languages.
Example : IBM 1400, Honeywell 200, CDC-1604, GE 200 etc.
The Third Generation (1964-1979)
- Transistors were replaced by integrated circuits.
- Magnetic tape and disks completely replace punch cards.
- Usage of Mouse.
- Advanced programming language
- Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) memory
Example : IBM 370, PDP-8, GE-600 etc
The Fourth Generation (1979- Present)
- Integrated Circuits were replaced by Microprocessor.
- Large Scale Integration and Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (LSI and VLSIC).
- Microprocessors contain Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit and Memory Unit.
- First Apple Mac released in 1984
- IBM PC introduced in 1981.
Example : IBM PC, HP 3000, IBM 3033, TRS 80 etc.
The Fifth Generation (Future Generation)
- Parallel Processing system.
- Usages of Optical Fiber.
- Development of Operating system
- Advanced features of Super Computer.