Friday, August 5, 2011

Generation of Computer

Generation of Computer
There are five generation in digital computing. There are various advanced features in various generations. Vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, Microprocessors are referred to various generations.

·  The First Generation (1951-1958)

  1. Vacuum tubes as their main logic elements.
  2. Punch cards to input and output  store data
  3. Use of Rotating magnetic drums for internal storage
  4. Assembly language
  5. Problem in maintenance and temperature
  6. More consume of electricity.
Example : UNIVAC, BINAC, ENIAC, IBM 650, IBM 704, MARK.

The Second Generation (1959-1963)

  1. Vacuum tubes are replaced by Transistors.
  2. Magnetic tape and disks began to replace punched cards.
  3. High-level programming languages.
  4. Data transmit by using telephone line.
  5. FORTRAN and COBOL Languages.

    Example : IBM 1400, Honeywell 200, CDC-1604, GE 200 etc.

The Third Generation (1964-1979)

  1. Transistors were replaced by integrated circuits.
  2. Magnetic tape and disks completely replace punch cards.
  3. Usage of Mouse.
  4. Advanced programming language
  5. Metal oxide semiconductor (MOS) memory
     Example : IBM 370, PDP-8, GE-600 etc

The Fourth Generation (1979- Present)

  1. Integrated Circuits were replaced by Microprocessor.
  2. Large Scale Integration and Very Large Scale Integrated Circuits (LSI and VLSIC).
  3. Microprocessors contain Arithmetic Logic Unit, Control Unit and Memory Unit.
  4. First Apple Mac released in 1984
  5. IBM PC introduced in 1981.
      Example : IBM PC, HP 3000, IBM 3033, TRS 80 etc.

The Fifth Generation (Future Generation)

  1. Parallel Processing system.
  2. Usages of Optical Fiber.
  3. Development of Operating system
  4. Advanced features of Super Computer.